If you want to create table with specified column and row,you can do like this:
int row=4; int column=3; Table table2=Table.newTable(document, row, column);
If you want to put some numbers into a table while creating it, you can use the constructor Table.newTable(document,rowlabels,columnlabels, data) which you should specify a 2 dimension array as the data and 2 String arrays as table labels,one for row and the other for column.
Since version 0.8, new APIs are added to format a table, which will load the formatting from a template table in a foreign document and apply them to corresponding cells of current table. The template table should be a 5*5 table with predefined formatting, includes number format, text format, text alignment, borders and background. The following code will load formatting from a foreign template table - Table1 in TemplateTable.odt, and apply the styles to a new table - Table2 in TargetTable.odt.